Wednesday, April 6, 2011

One Day In The Rock: A Glimpse of History in Corregidor Island

Crossing the Manila Bay while going to Corregidor Island.

The view of Corregidor Island.
The map of Corregidor Island.
The view of Bataan from the island. Bataan is only three miles away from Corregidor Island.
Last year, it was March 13, 2010, we had a travel in the island of Corregidor. The island is located 48 kilometers west of Manila, strategically found in the entrance of Manila Bay. Corregidor is located three miles away from Bataan and it is part of Cavite City. This island is called as "The Rock" because of its rocky landscapes and this island stands for the memorial of heroes who fought during the Second World War in the Philippines. This island also serves as a harbor defense of foreign invaders who came in our country and it is the headquarters of the Philippine Commonwealth during the Second World War.

The ruins of Middleside Barracks.
The weapons used during the war which serve as a decoration.
The weapons used during the Second World War which is stored in Corregidor Island.The Battery Grubs is a place where most of the weapons are stored.
It was an exciting trip because we are taking a glimpse of our history. by viewing the tourist attractions and listening to the facts about Corregidor which told by our tourist guide. As we go along our way through the island, we saw the ruined buildings, tunnels and structures especially the barracks. The big canyons and mortars are used during the war are now in silence which serves as decoration. Although there are doubts in my mind that these canons and missiles are still active.
The Pacific War Memorial.
The major memorial structure is a rotunda with a circular altar directly under the dome's oculus through which the sunlight falls during the daytime.(Source:

The Eternal Flame of Freedom
The sculpture called "Brothers In Arms" which symbolizes the American and Filipino heroes who fought during the Second World War in the Philippines.
The Japanese Garden of Peace.
A tomb written in Japanese characters which dedicated to the people who fought during the war.
The statue in the Japanese Memorial Garden.
Another unforgettable experience in our tour is the visit to Pacific War Memorial where we saw some structures which has relevance in the history of our country during the war years. This place is considered as a tribute for the Filipino and American soldiers and heroes who fought for independence and defend our country against the invaders. We also visited the Pacific War Memorial Museum where we saw pictures and artifacts which serve as a remembrance of the Second World War in the Philippines. We also visit the Japanese Garden of Peace where it is a place commemorated for the Japanese people who sacrificed their lives during the war.
An issue of "Honolulu Star Bulletin" which headlines the invasion of Japanese in Hawaii.
An old Philippine money used during the Japanese occupation called "Mickey Mouse money."
Pictures and memorabilla from the Japanese Garden of Peace.
The flag of United States during the Second World War with forty-five stars.
The pictures of Corregidor Island before the Second World War.
Last but not the least, we also visit the Malinta Tunnel, a place which serves as a secret headquarters of USAFFE (United Stated Armed Forces in the Far East) and the seat of Philippine Commonwealth before Corregidor conquered by the Japanese forces. As we walked inside the tunnel, we saw things used during the war. We saw the hospital and the headquarters of Gen. Douglas MacArthur inside the tunnel. We also experience the real meaning of "total darkness" where the tour guide asked us to close the flashlights and walked along the tunnel where we feel that the space becomes tighter (we feel that we are in the smallest portion of the tunnel). In addition, we experience the "deafening silence" where we become silent for one minute and I heard anything but silence.
The Malinta Tunnel entrance gate.
The way inside the tunnel.
An old typewriter and a book found inside the headquarters of Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
Adding machine which used as calculator in the past.
The map of Southeast Asia during the World War II.
Therefore, this experience traveling in Corregidor was unforgettable and the tourists will appreciate the colorful history of the Philippines during the Second World War. In addition, the ruined buildings, the silent canyons and missiles, the old pictures and things, the rocky landscape and the fresh and tranquil ambiance will prove that Corregidor is one of the ideal tourist spots in the Philippines which shows the beauty of our country in historical and topographical aspects. In the future, hopefully the Corregidor Island will be the same and more tourists will visit that island someday.
The statue of General Douglas MacArthur when he promised to the Filipinos in his line "I SHALL RETURN."
Author's Note: It is his first water travel through riding a speedboat going to Corregidor Island. :)

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